Monday, September 8, 2008

Mt. Fuji & Kyoto!

We arrived in Mt Fuji Sept. 7. We rented bikes to tour around a gorgeous lake, but shortly into our trip it started to rain. We made a quick turn-around for town. We found a supermarket where Justin’s dinner consisted of free samples. Oh yeah, and a corn dog, sushi, a donut and ice cream. How he came up with that combo, no one knows. When it came time to check-out, the lady kept talking to us in Japanese. Luckily I was giving Justin the play by play on what it all meant which went something like this… “Corn dog. With donut. How creative. Soy sauce for sushi? This needs a price check. I love price checking. Hold one minute. Time me while I check!"

…On another note, our hostel that night was great. At the door, we had to take off our shoes and they had cool bamboo slippers for us to wear. We didn’t end up seeing Mt. Fuji because of the cloudy weather, but let me tell ya, our post cards look amazing!!

Next stop Kyoto! Within a few minutes of getting on the bus, the bus driver flies by an old woman at the next bus stop. Someone shouts something in Japanese and the bus driver stops in the middle of traffic, gets out, and zig zags through cars & two parking lots. He and the old lady run together back to the bus! What a Kodak moment.

We later realize after being in Kyoto and having to ask for directions several times, the people are always there to help. Locals literally biked blocks for us to find the right bus stops; what a cool part about Japanese culture.

Kyoto has been an amazing place. We’ve had fun seeing traditional temples, hiking up hills to shrines, trying on kimonos, seeing Giant Buddahs, and of course whiteboarding with the locals & travelers alike!

Up next: Nara & Hiroshima!!